Defining your skin type


Acne is a common skin condition that happens when hair follicles under the skin become clogged. Dead skin cells plug the pores that leads to breakouts called pimples or zits. The sebaceous (oil) gland connects to the hair follicle, the oil of the sebaceous glands empties onto the surface of the skin. The mixture of oil and cells allows bacteria that normally live on the skin to grow in the plugged follicles and cause inflammation—swelling, redness, heat, and pain. Risks of developing acne can be caused by hormones, family history, medication, and age.

What can make acne worse (not cause) is diet, stress, environmental irritants, squeezing or picking at blemishes and scrubbing your skin too hard.


Combination skin

Many people have this type of Skin when it is dry or normal in some areas and oily in others, sometimes called T-zone when the nose, forehead and chin is oily. Combination skin can have red patches, less elasticity, dull complexion, and visible lines. The Oily portion of the skin can show a dull or shiny complexion, blackheads, blemishes, and enlarged pores. This change can be due to the stress, weather, or hormones.



Botox or Fillers are commonly used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, facial creases, or restore/add volume to the skin. This process blocks signals from the nerves to the muscles to paralyze, relax or soften wrinkles. Botox can last 4 to 6 months but wrinkles and lines will slowly return. Fillers can last 6 to 8 months but when the skin settles, it and can cause redness, tenderness and excess skin once stretched.



Mature (Aging) skin

Mature skin is the most common condition that occur as we grow older with age. The skin consists of three layers which contains the connective tissue, collagen fibers and the elastin fibers to provide nutrients and flexibility. Skin changes such as wrinkles, dryness, and pigmentation are caused by environmental factors, genetic makeup, nutrition, and other factors.